PRP / Orthobiologic Treatment

Formulario de Paciente Establecido

PRP (plasma rico en plaquetas) y la ortobiología son tratamientos avanzados de medicina regenerativa que aprovechan los mecanismos naturales de curación del organismo para favorecer la reparación y regeneración de los tejidos.

PRP therapy involves extracting a concentrated solution of platelets from your own blood. Platelets are rich in growth factors and other bioactive proteins that play a key role in tissue healing.

The extracted platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the affected area, stimulating the body’s natural healing response and promoting tissue regeneration.

PRP therapy is commonly used to treat conditions such as tendon injuries, osteoarthritis, and ligament damage.

Ortobiología encompass a range of treatments that utilize biological substances, such as stem cells, growth factors, or scaffolds, to enhance tissue regeneration and healing.

This involves using your body’s own cells or donor-derived cells to aid in tissue repair and regeneration.

Growth factors, such as proteins or cytokines, can be used to stimulate cell growth and promote tissue healing.

These orthobiologic treatments are often used in orthopedics to support tissue repair, reduce pain, and improve overall function.

Both PRP and orthobiologics treatments offer non-surgical alternatives for patients seeking to address orthopedic conditions and injuries.

These innovative therapies aim to optimize healing potential, alleviate pain, and improve long-term outcomes by leveraging the body’s own regenerative capacity.

The Benefits of PRP & Orthobiologics :

  • Cicatrización acelerada: El PRP estimula la respuesta curativa natural del organismo, favoreciendo una reparación y regeneración más rápida de los tejidos.
  • Reducción del dolor y la inflamación: El PRP contiene factores de crecimiento que ayudan a reducir el dolor y la inflamación asociados a afecciones y lesiones ortopédicas.
  • Tratamiento personalizado y natural: El PRP utiliza la propia sangre del paciente, lo que lo convierte en una opción de tratamiento segura y natural.