Volar Fixed-Angle Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures: The DVR Plate

Article  in  Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery · October 2004


Volar fixed-angle fixation of distal radius fractures is a new method of treatment that provides the benefits of stable internal fixation without incurring the disadvantages of the dorsal approach. The DVR plate is a new fixation implant that was introduced specifically for the purpose of managing both dorsal and volar displaced fractures from the volar aspect. Experience gained applying volar fixed-angle fixation to clinically complex cases led to the description of a new surgical approach and to refinement in design of the implant. The need to reduce fractures with significant articular displacement and the need to debride dorsal organized hematoma or callus in old fractures led to the development of an ex-tended form of the flexor carpi radialis approach that provides improved dorsal exposure by mobilizing the proximal radius out of the way and allows the use of the fracture plane for intrafocal exposure. The use of this implant in severely osteoporotic bone and in those frac-tures presenting severe articular fragmentation or dis-placement led to the improvement of its design. The plate’s ability to stabilize the distal radius was optimized by taking full advantage of the principles of subchondral support and buttress fixation.

Keywords: distal radius fracture, volar approach, fixed-angle fixation, DVR plate

Distal radius fracture ap and lateral view xray
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Cite this article: Orbay, Jorge & Badia, Alejandro & Khoury, Roger & Gonzalez, Eduardo & Indriago, Igor. (2004). Volar Fixed-Angle Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures: The DVR Plate. Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery. 8. 142-8. 10.1097/01.bth.0000126570.82826.0a.