
Tag: cubital tunnel syndrome


South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome March 13, 2013 What is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a condition brought on by increased pressure on the ulnar nerve at the elbow. There is a bump (made of bone) on the inner portion of the elbow (the medial epicondyle) under which the ulnar nerve passes. This site is commonly called the “funny bone”. It is here that the ulnar nerve lies directly next to the bone and is susceptible to pressure. When the pressure on the nerve becomes great enough to disturb the way the nerve works, then numbness, tingling, and pain may be felt in the elbow, forearm, hand, and/or fingers. Dr. Alejandro Badia is the one and only doctor in South Florida currently performing a minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Symptoms: Cubital tunnel syndrome symptoms usually include pain, numbness, and/or tingling. The numbness or tingling most often occurs in the ring and little fingers. The symptoms are usually felt when there is pressure on the nerve, such as sitting with the elbow on an armrest, or with repetitive elbow bending and straightening. Often symptoms will be felt when the elbow is held in a bent position for a period of time, such as when holding the phone, or while sleeping. Some patients may notice weakness while pinching, occasional clumsiness, and/or a tendency to drop things. In severe cases, sensation may be lost and the muscles in the hand may lose bulk and strength. Treatment without Surgery: Symptoms may sometimes be relieved without surgery, particularly if the EMG/NCS testing shows that the pressure on the nerve is minimal. Changing the patterns of elbow use may significantly reduce the pressure on the nerve. Avoiding putting the elbow on hard surfaces may help, or wearing an elbow pad over the ulnar nerve and “funny bone” may help. Keeping the elbow straight at night with a splint also may help. A session with a therapist to learn ways to avoid pressure on the nerve may be needed. Open Cubital Tunnel Release Procedure: Many surgeons will recommend shifting the nerve to the front of the elbow, which relieves pressure and tension on the nerve. The nerve may be placed under a layer of fat, under the muscle, or within the muscle. Some surgeons may recommend trimming the bony bump (medial epicondyle). Following surgery, the recovery will depend on the type of surgery that was performed. Restrictions on lifting and/or elbow movement may be recommended. Therapy may be necessary. According to the American Hand Institute only a few surgeons in the country offer this particular procedure. Dr. Alejandro Badia is the only one to offer it in South Florida. Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS is a hand and upper extremity surgeon. He studied physiology at Cornell University and obtained his medical degree at NYU, where he also trained in orthopedics. A hand fellowship at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh was followed by an AO trauma fellowship in Freiburg, Germany. He runs an active international hand fellowship, serves on the editorial board of two hand journals, and organizes a yearly Miami meeting for surgeons and therapists that are devoted to upper limb arthroscopy and arthroplasty ( This international meeting is held at the world-renowned Miami Anatomical Research Center (M.A.R.C.), the world’s largest surgical cadaveric training lab that Dr. Badia co-founded in 2005. In 2008, he inaugurated the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, a fully integrated facility for the upper limb encompassing digital radiography, MRI extremity imaging, Integra rehabilitation facility and the Surgery Center at Doral. More recently, Dr. Badia inaugurated OrthoNOW, the first urgent orthopedic care center in South Florida which attracts patients from the International Orthopedic Group ( Dr. Badia educates orthopedic problems in the upper limb. He is a member of the ASSH, AAHS, AAOS as well as honorary member of several overseas orthopedic societies. Read the original article South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Download Want to see more? Find live videos of procedures or real testimonials from our patients. BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Hands of business man with pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or strain from corporate job, working or ty.

Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness

Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email ( – Miami, FL, June 4, 2019 – It is natural to want to ascribe a simple cause to a problem. If your wrist hurts or your hands are numb it must be because of typing. However, according to Alejandro Badia MD, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in treatment of the upper limbs, including hands and wrists says “don’t blame that painful wrist on any physical requirements of your job, including time spent on a computer keyboard or other device. That’s because the problem – carpal tunnel syndrome – is more likely due to hormonal changes, underlying inflammatory diseases or simple wrist anatomy”. The syndrome occurs when the median nerve, extending from the forearm to the hand through the narrow tunnel of bone and ligaments on the wrist’s palm side, becomes pinched and inflamed from irritated tendons or other conditions that cause swelling in the wrist canal. Symptoms, which begin gradually and worsen over time, include wrist or forearm pain; persistent burning, tingling or numbness in the fingers; and decreased hand strength, explains Dr. Badia, founder and chief medical officer of the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and OrthoNOW®, a group of walk-in orthopedic clinics. The National Institutes of Health reports women are three times more likely than men to experience carpal tunnel syndrome. The higher risk among females is likely due to their anatomically narrower wrist channels and the disorder’s suspected relationship to metabolic and hormonal-level changes during pregnancy and menopause, Dr. Badia says. “Hormones are chemical substances that impact every organ and structure in the body. Variations in the levels of these substances – such as what occurs in menopause and pregnancy — can lead to fluid retention and thicken the extracellular matrix in the wrist, resulting in pressure on the median nerve,” Dr. Badia says. Statistics indicate that 20 percent or more of pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Other conditions increasing risk among both sexes, researchers say, are wrist injury, inflammatory and nerve-related diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, and a dysfunctional thyroid. The thyroid controls metabolism – how the body utilizes energy from food. What studies fail to show conclusively is any defined relationship between constant use of the wrist and development of carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Badia indicates. “Repetitive wrist activities — like typing on a computer keyboard or handling a cash register — may further aggravate symptoms but are not linked to actual development of the syndrome,” he says. “The ‘myth’ that workplace responsibilities cause the problem has resulted in misdirection of billions of dollars into workers’ compensation to treat a condition that commonly occurs in the general population and is unrelated to on-the-job requirements.” In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is described as far back as 1025 AD when medieval Persian physician, Avicenna, correctly detailed the wrist problem in his book Canon of Medicine,according to authors of a 2018 article in Integrative Medicine Research. Avicenna suggested that chronic nerve impingement in the wrist is due to both physical disorders and lifestyle factors, such as improper nutrition and lack of sleep. Whatever causes the syndrome, Dr. Badia encourages early diagnosis. “If left untreated, the syndrome can eventually make it difficult for patients to form a fist, coordinate their fingers and do simple, manual tasks like buttoning a shirt or blouse. The disorder may even lead to a wasting of muscle at the base of the thumb,” he says. Initial, recommended therapies tend to be conservative, involving wrist splints at night, anti-inflammatory medications and injection of corticosteroids. Some studies have supported the use of vitamin B6 and or B12. Should the problem persist, the nerve compression prove severe enough or a physician determine the syndrome is causing deterioration of hand muscles, then minor procedure may be proposed. “The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. It involves dividing the ligament that serves as the roof of the carpal tunnel to increase space in the wrist canal and take pressure off the nerve,” Dr. Badia says. “Using a recent treatment breakthrough called endoscopic release, the surgeon can divide the carpal tunnel ligament through a tiny cut in the crease of the wrist without making a larger, open incision,” Carpal tunnel syndrome cannot always be prevented, but risks may be reduced. Dr. Badia offers these tips: · Be cautious of hand position during sleep. When sleeping the hand is typically closer to the heart which can cause fluid to pool in the wrist canal. . · Relax grip when using tools, pens or other items. · Be aware of posture while walking or sitting. Hunching places strain on arms, wrists and hands. Avoid bending the wrist too high or too low. · Take breaks when doing any prolonged activities involving hands or wrists. · Keep hands warm in a cold environment. Cold hands are a risk factor for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.   Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS, internationally renowned hand and upper-limb surgeon and founder of Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and OrthoNOW®, a walk-in orthopedic care clinic. He is a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, American Association for Hand Surgery and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He is a specialist in treating all problems related to the hand and upper extremity including trauma, sports injury, joint reconstruction, nerve injuries and arthroscopic surgeries. View the original publication below: Powered By EmbedPress Related Articles: Blog Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness Athletic injuries | Sports Injuries | Sports Therapy, Bahamas, common conditions, Cubital tunnel, cubital tunnel syndrome, endoscopic, english, Hand, Nassau, sports injuries, sports medicine, wrist Blog Endoscopic Procedure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Fast Recovery with Less Pain Athletic injuries | Sports Injuries | Sports Therapy, Bahamas, carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel syndrome, common conditions, endoscopic, endoscopic carpal tunnel release, english, Nassau, sports injuries, sports medicine, wrist Blog Renowned hand and upper limb surgeon, Dr. Alejandro

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India Ulnar nerve subluxation
Elbow Testimonials

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Global Solution in Miami, FL

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Global Solution in Miami, Florida ✈️ Subluxation of ulnar nerve with cubital tunnel syndrome in patient from Hyderabad, India Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common orthopedic condition that affects the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel, which is the narrow space on the inner side of the elbow. This syndrome occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes compressed, irritated, or damaged at this specific location. The ulnar nerve is responsible for controlling muscles and providing sensation to the hand and the little finger. Common symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome include: Numbness and tingling: Patients often experience tingling sensations or numbness in the ring and little fingers. Weakness: There can be a noticeable loss of grip strength and muscle weakness, particularly in the hand. Pain: Pain may be felt in the inner part of the elbow or radiate down the forearm. Ulnar Nerve Subluxation Ulnar Nerve Subluxation: Ulnar nerve subluxation, on the other hand, refers to a specific condition where the ulnar nerve partially dislocates or moves out of its normal position within the cubital tunnel. This displacement can occur during elbow flexion and extension movements. Ulnar nerve subluxation can be a component of cubital tunnel syndrome, but it is not synonymous with the syndrome itself. Key points about ulnar nerve subluxation: Mechanical Issue: Ulnar nerve subluxation is primarily a mechanical issue where the ulnar nerve moves abnormally in and out of its groove within the elbow. Potential Precursor: Subluxation of the ulnar nerve can lead to irritation and compression of the nerve over time, contributing to the development of cubital tunnel syndrome. Symptoms: Ulnar nerve subluxation may not always present noticeable symptoms on its own, but it can be a contributing factor to the symptoms associated with cubital tunnel syndrome. In summary, cubital tunnel syndrome is a broader term that encompasses various issues involving the ulnar nerve at the elbow, including ulnar nerve subluxation. While both conditions are related to the ulnar nerve’s functioning at the elbow, cubital tunnel syndrome typically involves symptoms like numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain, whereas ulnar nerve subluxation specifically refers to the mechanical displacement of the nerve within the cubital tunnel. International patient journey Elbow Testimonials

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Tag: cubital tunnel syndrome


South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome March 13, 2013 What is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a condition brought on by increased pressure on the ulnar nerve at the elbow. There is a bump (made of bone) on the inner portion of the elbow (the medial epicondyle) under which the ulnar nerve passes. This site is commonly called the “funny bone”. It is here that the ulnar nerve lies directly next to the bone and is susceptible to pressure. When the pressure on the nerve becomes great enough to disturb the way the nerve works, then numbness, tingling, and pain may be felt in the elbow, forearm, hand, and/or fingers. Dr. Alejandro Badia is the one and only doctor in South Florida currently performing a minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Symptoms: Cubital tunnel syndrome symptoms usually include pain, numbness, and/or tingling. The numbness or tingling most often occurs in the ring and little fingers. The symptoms are usually felt when there is pressure on the nerve, such as sitting with the elbow on an armrest, or with repetitive elbow bending and straightening. Often symptoms will be felt when the elbow is held in a bent position for a period of time, such as when holding the phone, or while sleeping. Some patients may notice weakness while pinching, occasional clumsiness, and/or a tendency to drop things. In severe cases, sensation may be lost and the muscles in the hand may lose bulk and strength. Treatment without Surgery: Symptoms may sometimes be relieved without surgery, particularly if the EMG/NCS testing shows that the pressure on the nerve is minimal. Changing the patterns of elbow use may significantly reduce the pressure on the nerve. Avoiding putting the elbow on hard surfaces may help, or wearing an elbow pad over the ulnar nerve and “funny bone” may help. Keeping the elbow straight at night with a splint also may help. A session with a therapist to learn ways to avoid pressure on the nerve may be needed. Open Cubital Tunnel Release Procedure: Many surgeons will recommend shifting the nerve to the front of the elbow, which relieves pressure and tension on the nerve. The nerve may be placed under a layer of fat, under the muscle, or within the muscle. Some surgeons may recommend trimming the bony bump (medial epicondyle). Following surgery, the recovery will depend on the type of surgery that was performed. Restrictions on lifting and/or elbow movement may be recommended. Therapy may be necessary. According to the American Hand Institute only a few surgeons in the country offer this particular procedure. Dr. Alejandro Badia is the only one to offer it in South Florida. Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS is a hand and upper extremity surgeon. He studied physiology at Cornell University and obtained his medical degree at NYU, where he also trained in orthopedics. A hand fellowship at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh was followed by an AO trauma fellowship in Freiburg, Germany. He runs an active international hand fellowship, serves on the editorial board of two hand journals, and organizes a yearly Miami meeting for surgeons and therapists that are devoted to upper limb arthroscopy and arthroplasty ( This international meeting is held at the world-renowned Miami Anatomical Research Center (M.A.R.C.), the world’s largest surgical cadaveric training lab that Dr. Badia co-founded in 2005. In 2008, he inaugurated the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, a fully integrated facility for the upper limb encompassing digital radiography, MRI extremity imaging, Integra rehabilitation facility and the Surgery Center at Doral. More recently, Dr. Badia inaugurated OrthoNOW, the first urgent orthopedic care center in South Florida which attracts patients from the International Orthopedic Group ( Dr. Badia educates orthopedic problems in the upper limb. He is a member of the ASSH, AAHS, AAOS as well as honorary member of several overseas orthopedic societies. Read the original article South Florida doctor only one in region performing minimally invasive procedure curing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Download Want to see more? Find live videos of procedures or real testimonials from our patients. BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Hands of business man with pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or strain from corporate job, working or ty.

Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness

Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email ( – Miami, FL, June 4, 2019 – It is natural to want to ascribe a simple cause to a problem. If your wrist hurts or your hands are numb it must be because of typing. However, according to Alejandro Badia MD, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in treatment of the upper limbs, including hands and wrists says “don’t blame that painful wrist on any physical requirements of your job, including time spent on a computer keyboard or other device. That’s because the problem – carpal tunnel syndrome – is more likely due to hormonal changes, underlying inflammatory diseases or simple wrist anatomy”. The syndrome occurs when the median nerve, extending from the forearm to the hand through the narrow tunnel of bone and ligaments on the wrist’s palm side, becomes pinched and inflamed from irritated tendons or other conditions that cause swelling in the wrist canal. Symptoms, which begin gradually and worsen over time, include wrist or forearm pain; persistent burning, tingling or numbness in the fingers; and decreased hand strength, explains Dr. Badia, founder and chief medical officer of the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and OrthoNOW®, a group of walk-in orthopedic clinics. The National Institutes of Health reports women are three times more likely than men to experience carpal tunnel syndrome. The higher risk among females is likely due to their anatomically narrower wrist channels and the disorder’s suspected relationship to metabolic and hormonal-level changes during pregnancy and menopause, Dr. Badia says. “Hormones are chemical substances that impact every organ and structure in the body. Variations in the levels of these substances – such as what occurs in menopause and pregnancy — can lead to fluid retention and thicken the extracellular matrix in the wrist, resulting in pressure on the median nerve,” Dr. Badia says. Statistics indicate that 20 percent or more of pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Other conditions increasing risk among both sexes, researchers say, are wrist injury, inflammatory and nerve-related diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, and a dysfunctional thyroid. The thyroid controls metabolism – how the body utilizes energy from food. What studies fail to show conclusively is any defined relationship between constant use of the wrist and development of carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Badia indicates. “Repetitive wrist activities — like typing on a computer keyboard or handling a cash register — may further aggravate symptoms but are not linked to actual development of the syndrome,” he says. “The ‘myth’ that workplace responsibilities cause the problem has resulted in misdirection of billions of dollars into workers’ compensation to treat a condition that commonly occurs in the general population and is unrelated to on-the-job requirements.” In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is described as far back as 1025 AD when medieval Persian physician, Avicenna, correctly detailed the wrist problem in his book Canon of Medicine,according to authors of a 2018 article in Integrative Medicine Research. Avicenna suggested that chronic nerve impingement in the wrist is due to both physical disorders and lifestyle factors, such as improper nutrition and lack of sleep. Whatever causes the syndrome, Dr. Badia encourages early diagnosis. “If left untreated, the syndrome can eventually make it difficult for patients to form a fist, coordinate their fingers and do simple, manual tasks like buttoning a shirt or blouse. The disorder may even lead to a wasting of muscle at the base of the thumb,” he says. Initial, recommended therapies tend to be conservative, involving wrist splints at night, anti-inflammatory medications and injection of corticosteroids. Some studies have supported the use of vitamin B6 and or B12. Should the problem persist, the nerve compression prove severe enough or a physician determine the syndrome is causing deterioration of hand muscles, then minor procedure may be proposed. “The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. It involves dividing the ligament that serves as the roof of the carpal tunnel to increase space in the wrist canal and take pressure off the nerve,” Dr. Badia says. “Using a recent treatment breakthrough called endoscopic release, the surgeon can divide the carpal tunnel ligament through a tiny cut in the crease of the wrist without making a larger, open incision,” Carpal tunnel syndrome cannot always be prevented, but risks may be reduced. Dr. Badia offers these tips: · Be cautious of hand position during sleep. When sleeping the hand is typically closer to the heart which can cause fluid to pool in the wrist canal. . · Relax grip when using tools, pens or other items. · Be aware of posture while walking or sitting. Hunching places strain on arms, wrists and hands. Avoid bending the wrist too high or too low. · Take breaks when doing any prolonged activities involving hands or wrists. · Keep hands warm in a cold environment. Cold hands are a risk factor for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.   Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS, internationally renowned hand and upper-limb surgeon and founder of Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and OrthoNOW®, a walk-in orthopedic care clinic. He is a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, American Association for Hand Surgery and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He is a specialist in treating all problems related to the hand and upper extremity including trauma, sports injury, joint reconstruction, nerve injuries and arthroscopic surgeries. View the original publication below: Powered By EmbedPress Related Articles: Blog Don’t Blame Your Job or Screens for That Painful Wrist or Hand Numbness Athletic injuries | Sports Injuries | Sports Therapy, Bahamas, common conditions, Cubital tunnel, cubital tunnel syndrome, endoscopic, english, Hand, Nassau, sports injuries, sports medicine, wrist Blog Endoscopic Procedure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Fast Recovery with Less Pain Athletic injuries | Sports Injuries | Sports Therapy, Bahamas, carpal tunnel, carpal tunnel syndrome, common conditions, endoscopic, endoscopic carpal tunnel release, english, Nassau, sports injuries, sports medicine, wrist Blog Renowned hand and upper limb surgeon, Dr. Alejandro

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India Ulnar nerve subluxation
Elbow Testimonials

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Global Solution in Miami, FL

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Global Solution in Miami, Florida ✈️ Subluxation of ulnar nerve with cubital tunnel syndrome in patient from Hyderabad, India Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common orthopedic condition that affects the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel, which is the narrow space on the inner side of the elbow. This syndrome occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes compressed, irritated, or damaged at this specific location. The ulnar nerve is responsible for controlling muscles and providing sensation to the hand and the little finger. Common symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome include: Numbness and tingling: Patients often experience tingling sensations or numbness in the ring and little fingers. Weakness: There can be a noticeable loss of grip strength and muscle weakness, particularly in the hand. Pain: Pain may be felt in the inner part of the elbow or radiate down the forearm. Ulnar Nerve Subluxation Ulnar Nerve Subluxation: Ulnar nerve subluxation, on the other hand, refers to a specific condition where the ulnar nerve partially dislocates or moves out of its normal position within the cubital tunnel. This displacement can occur during elbow flexion and extension movements. Ulnar nerve subluxation can be a component of cubital tunnel syndrome, but it is not synonymous with the syndrome itself. Key points about ulnar nerve subluxation: Mechanical Issue: Ulnar nerve subluxation is primarily a mechanical issue where the ulnar nerve moves abnormally in and out of its groove within the elbow. Potential Precursor: Subluxation of the ulnar nerve can lead to irritation and compression of the nerve over time, contributing to the development of cubital tunnel syndrome. Symptoms: Ulnar nerve subluxation may not always present noticeable symptoms on its own, but it can be a contributing factor to the symptoms associated with cubital tunnel syndrome. In summary, cubital tunnel syndrome is a broader term that encompasses various issues involving the ulnar nerve at the elbow, including ulnar nerve subluxation. While both conditions are related to the ulnar nerve’s functioning at the elbow, cubital tunnel syndrome typically involves symptoms like numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain, whereas ulnar nerve subluxation specifically refers to the mechanical displacement of the nerve within the cubital tunnel. International patient journey Elbow Testimonials

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