Patient Testimonial: 48 hrs After A Total Wrist Replacement

Wrist replacement surgery, also known as total wrist arthroplasty, is a procedure performed to relieve pain and restore function in patients with severe wrist joint damage. It is typically considered when conservative treatments such as medications, physical therapy, or bracing have failed to provide adequate relief. Patients who may be candidates for a wrist replacement procedure often exhibit specific characteristics and conditions.

Patients who may be candidates :

  1. Severe Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for wrist replacement surgery. Patients with advanced wrist osteoarthritis often experience debilitating pain, reduced wrist mobility, and stiffness. When conservative treatments no longer provide relief, wrist replacement may be considered.

  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that can affect multiple joints, including the wrist. Patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis may experience joint damage and deformity, making wrist replacement a viable option to alleviate pain and restore function.

  3. Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Individuals who have experienced traumatic injuries to the wrist, such as fractures that involve the joint surface, may develop post-traumatic arthritis over time. This condition can lead to pain and loss of joint function, making wrist replacement a potential solution.

  4. Failed Previous Surgeries: Some patients may have undergone prior wrist surgeries, such as wrist fusion, that did not yield satisfactory results. Wrist replacement may be considered in such cases to improve function and reduce pain.

  5. Unmanageable Pain: Patients who experience persistent and severe wrist pain that significantly impairs their quality of life and limits their daily activities despite conservative treatments may be candidates for wrist replacement.

  6. Loss of Wrist Function: Patients who have lost wrist function due to joint damage and are unable to perform essential tasks, such as gripping objects or performing fine motor movements, may benefit from a wrist replacement to regain functionality.

wrist xray before total wrist replacement
Patient Xray- Post Traumatic Arthritis

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