
Tag: tenex

Needle close up showing how tenex procedure works
Elbow Video Education

Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow

Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow A 3D graphic demonstrates the technology behind the innovative treatment using Tenex Health TX technology for the treatment of tennis elbow & golfers elbow. At Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, we offer an advanced and minimally invasive solution designed to alleviate persistent elbow pain. Our innovative Tenex treatment is specifically tailored to address tendon-related discomfort, including conditions like tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis). Employing cutting-edge ultrasound imaging technology, the Tenex approach precisely targets and eliminates damaged tissue, providing effective relief from the root cause of your pain. To gain a comprehensive understanding of how this procedure works,  check out the informative animated video provided by Tenex Health below. Click here to visit their website TENEX surgery for Golfer’s Elbow Golfer’s elbow is similar to tennis elbow, which occurs on the outside of the elbow. It’s not limited to golfers. By removing the unhealthy scar tissue, new and healthy tissue can grow, restoring your natural tendon function. How does Tenex work? Precisely targets your damaged tissue Gently removes damaged tissue Requires no stitches Nearly instant pain relief with a rapid recovery Related Videos: HOW Tenex Works Read More Former World #1 Tennis Player Marcelo Rios Bilateral Tenex Elbow Procedure By Dr Alejandro Badia Read More Marcelo Rios had minor surgery on both elbows (within 12 days of each other) by Dr. Badia and weeks later this happens… Read More Load More

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Elbow Testimonials

Marcelo Ríos busca solución para el codo de tenista

El Dr. Badia operó a Marcelo Ríos(El ex tenista chileno #1 del mundo) en ambos codos. El procedimiento fue realizado usando la unidad de TENEX ¿Quién es Marcelo Ríos? Mira este video en el que Marcelo Andrés Ríos Mayorga y el Dr. Alejandro Badia hablan sobre el procedimiento para el codo de tenista. Lo asombroso de esta historia es que Marcelo Ríos se sometió a un Procedimiento Bilateral de Codo Tenex realizado por el Dr. Alejandro Badia en “Badia Hand to Shoulder Center” Miami semanas antes del partido. Cirugía de Codo de Tenista 1: Codo Izquierdo: Octubre 31, 2018  Cirugía de Codo de Tenista 2: Codo Derecho: Septiembre 13, 2018 Partido de Exhibición de Tenis:  Diciembre 22, 2018 “Sin dolor y sin cicatrices, con una rápida recuperación.” John Doe El codo de tenista, médicamente conocido como epicondilitis lateral, es una afección común que afecta el área donde los músculos del antebrazo se adhieren al hueso en la parte externa del codo. Aunque su nombre sugiere una asociación exclusiva con el tenis, esta condición puede afectar a personas de diversas ocupaciones y actividades.   Cual es la solucion ? Artículos sobre el codo Related Videos: Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow Read More Marcelo Rios Seeks Tennis Elbow Solution with Dr. Badia Read More Marcelo Rios had minor surgery on both elbows (within 12 days of each other) by Dr. Badia and weeks later this happens… Read More Load More

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Marcelo Rios post tenex surgery winning match
Elbow Testimonials

Marcelo Rios competes after his tenex procedure

Marcelo Ríos underwent Tenex procedures on both of his elbows Procedures were within 12 days of each other Marcelo Rios record A few weeks after his tenex procedures Marcelo Rios went on to win a tennis tournament. As reported by TENNIS TOURTALK, Marcelo Rios has returned to the courts. The 42-year-old former World No. 1 from Chile beat Nicolás Lapentti from Ecuador 6-4, 5-7, 11-9 in an exhibition match on Friday held at Gran Arena Monticello. Rios reached the top of the ATP-Rankings 20 years ago and showed that he is still in good shape. “Without pain and without scars, and quick recovery.” John Doe The amazing part of the story is that Marcelo Rios had Bilateral Tenex Elbow Procedure by Dr Alejandro Badia at the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center (BHSC) in Miami weeks before the match. Tennis Elbow Surgery 1: Left Elbow: 10/31/2018 Tennis Elbow Surgery 2: Right Elbow: 11/13/2018 Tennis Exhibtion Match: 12/22/2018 What is ” Tennis Elbow” ? Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. Despite its name, this condition can affect people who don’t play tennis as well. It occurs when the tendons, which connect the muscles of your forearm to the bone at the lateral epicondyle (a bony bump on the outer part of the elbow), become inflamed or damaged. Solution for tennis elbow Related Videos: Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow Read More Marcelo Ríos busca solución para el codo de tenista Read More Marcelo Rios competes after his tenex procedure Read More Load More

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elbow tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex

Testimonial : Patient from Barbados 48 hrs after shoulder Arthroscopy and Tenex Pain free after 48 hours – Patient flew in from Barbados and had a two minimally invasive procedures. Shoulder arthroscopy and Tenex for tennis elbow.

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tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Canadian patient finds relief for elbow pain with tenex

Canadian Patient Finds Pain Relief for elbow pain with Tenex Procedure Click here to learn about TENEX Our patient suffered years with elbow pain and was placed on a waiting list to be treated in canada. He decided to travel to miami, FL for the minimally invasive tenex procedure that would cure his elbow pain. The trend of Canadian patients seeking orthopedic procedures in Miami, Florida, highlights the appeal of Miami’s healthcare system and the evolving landscape of global healthcare choices. Patients start with telemedicine, connecting virtually with orthopedic specialists in Miami, saving time and resources. The subsequent in-person consultation and procedure phase ensures personalized care after the initial virtual assessment. Miami’s private healthcare system offers patients the freedom to schedule surgeries conveniently, bypassing the waitlists typical of publicly funded systems in Canada. This flexibility empowers patients and accelerates their healing process. In contrast, Canada’s system sometimes entails prolonged wait times for elective surgeries, further enhancing Miami’s appeal. How does Tenex work? This safe and effective alternative to open surgery uses advanced ultrasonic technology and image guidance to enable precise cutting and removal of symptomatic soft and hard tissue, all performed percutaneously through a 3-5mm mini-incision. Tenex spares healthy soft tendon while cutting and removing necrotic tissue. Is this an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia? It is an outpatient procedures that takes minutes to perform, typically with local anesthesia and without stitches or additional treatments. Tenex Website Related videos:

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Golfers elbow Canada Dr. Badia
Elbow Testimonials

Canada: Golfers Elbow Testimonial

Canada Golfers Elbow Patient travels from Canada to Florida in search of a solution In Canada, our patient faced a frustrating reality: a lengthy waiting list for a procedure to address his debilitating golfers elbow. The prospect of waiting for years for relief was daunting, especially considering that the initial treatment plan involved a more invasive open procedure. In his quest for a faster and less invasive solution, our patient turned to the vast resources available online. It was during this search that he discovered the expertise of Dr. Badia, an orthopedic specialist renowned for his innovative approach to elbow conditions.   Golfers Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) Golfers elbow, known medically as medial epicondylitis, is an orthopedic condition that affects the inner side of the elbow. This condition is not exclusive to golfers but can impact anyone who engages in repetitive hand and wrist movements, such as gripping, flexing, or swinging motions. Key characteristics of golfers elbow include: Location of Pain: The primary symptom is pain and tenderness around the medial epicondyle, a bony prominence on the inner side of the elbow. This is where the forearm muscles attach to the bone. Pain Intensity: The pain may range from mild to severe and can extend down the forearm. It’s typically aggravated by activities that involve gripping, twisting, or flexing the wrist, such as swinging a golf club, hence the name. Who’s Affected: While it’s called “golfers elbow,” this condition doesn’t discriminate based on your sport or lack thereof. Tenex procedure for golfers elbow Tenex Testimonials

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¿Lesiones de golf? Recupérese rápidamente

¿Lesiones de golf? Recupérese rápidamente con la última tecnologia! Los golfistas presentan lesiones en el miembro superior que pueden ser de dos tipos: una le­sion aguda poco común que se origina por un swing incorrecto o una dolencia mucho mas frecuente ocasionada par la exacerbación de una afec­ción degenerativa subyacente. Esta ultima ocurre con frecuencia porque quienes practican golf, en muchas ocasiones, son personas mayores que presentan las patologías comunes de la población madura. Lo irónico es que estos problemas empiezan a manifestarse a una edad más temprana debido a que el swing de golf implica una exigencia del miembro superior del cuerpo. Sebastian Salem: el golfista de las  “cirugías de la suerte”  “La segunda operación no fue tan complicada pero ya tenia tres años sintiendo molestias. inicialmente, el doc­tor Badia me dijo que podia mejorar con terapia y, en efecto, mejoré, pero el problema se manifestó de nue­vo. En ese momento no lo dude y dije ¡a operarnos de una vez!”, señala Salem, quien sugiere a los deportistas que acudan a sus doctores en sus respectivos países de origen, pero si no encuentran una solución concreta pi­dan una cita con el doctor Badia. “Aquí tienen de todo: la clínica, el centro de cirugía y el centro de rehabilita­ción. El doctor siempre esta al pendiente de todos sus pacientes. iHasta ahora no sé cómo hace para tener tiempo, pero atiende muy bien a todos!”, manifiesta con una sonrisa. Los golfistas dependen de una armonía del movimien­to del hombro, el codo y la muñeca, libre de cualquier complicación que les permita disfrutar la pasión del deporte al máximo. Por ese motivo, un especialista ortopédico de la extremidad superior debe tratar sin demora las afecciones dolorosas para permitir que el atleta retome el deporte rápidamente y con el mejor nivel que sea posible. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Procedimiento tenex para “Codo de golfista” Dolores de hombro, codo y muñeca en golfistas Dr. Badia offers tips to protect the elbow Elbow Patient Articles Dr. Badia offers tips to protect the elbow Sports-related Injuries of the Elbow Elbow Scientific Publications Sports-related Injuries of the Elbow Proximal Radial Fracture : A Case Report Elbow Scientific Publications Proximal Radial Fracture : A Case Report Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Scientific Publications

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Tag: tenex

Needle close up showing how tenex procedure works
Elbow Video Education

Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow

Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow A 3D graphic demonstrates the technology behind the innovative treatment using Tenex Health TX technology for the treatment of tennis elbow & golfers elbow. At Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, we offer an advanced and minimally invasive solution designed to alleviate persistent elbow pain. Our innovative Tenex treatment is specifically tailored to address tendon-related discomfort, including conditions like tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis). Employing cutting-edge ultrasound imaging technology, the Tenex approach precisely targets and eliminates damaged tissue, providing effective relief from the root cause of your pain. To gain a comprehensive understanding of how this procedure works,  check out the informative animated video provided by Tenex Health below. Click here to visit their website TENEX surgery for Golfer’s Elbow Golfer’s elbow is similar to tennis elbow, which occurs on the outside of the elbow. It’s not limited to golfers. By removing the unhealthy scar tissue, new and healthy tissue can grow, restoring your natural tendon function. How does Tenex work? Precisely targets your damaged tissue Gently removes damaged tissue Requires no stitches Nearly instant pain relief with a rapid recovery Related Videos: HOW Tenex Works Read More Former World #1 Tennis Player Marcelo Rios Bilateral Tenex Elbow Procedure By Dr Alejandro Badia Read More Marcelo Rios had minor surgery on both elbows (within 12 days of each other) by Dr. Badia and weeks later this happens… Read More Load More

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Elbow Testimonials

Marcelo Ríos busca solución para el codo de tenista

El Dr. Badia operó a Marcelo Ríos(El ex tenista chileno #1 del mundo) en ambos codos. El procedimiento fue realizado usando la unidad de TENEX ¿Quién es Marcelo Ríos? Mira este video en el que Marcelo Andrés Ríos Mayorga y el Dr. Alejandro Badia hablan sobre el procedimiento para el codo de tenista. Lo asombroso de esta historia es que Marcelo Ríos se sometió a un Procedimiento Bilateral de Codo Tenex realizado por el Dr. Alejandro Badia en “Badia Hand to Shoulder Center” Miami semanas antes del partido. Cirugía de Codo de Tenista 1: Codo Izquierdo: Octubre 31, 2018  Cirugía de Codo de Tenista 2: Codo Derecho: Septiembre 13, 2018 Partido de Exhibición de Tenis:  Diciembre 22, 2018 “Sin dolor y sin cicatrices, con una rápida recuperación.” John Doe El codo de tenista, médicamente conocido como epicondilitis lateral, es una afección común que afecta el área donde los músculos del antebrazo se adhieren al hueso en la parte externa del codo. Aunque su nombre sugiere una asociación exclusiva con el tenis, esta condición puede afectar a personas de diversas ocupaciones y actividades.   Cual es la solucion ? Artículos sobre el codo Related Videos: Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow Read More Marcelo Rios Seeks Tennis Elbow Solution with Dr. Badia Read More Marcelo Rios had minor surgery on both elbows (within 12 days of each other) by Dr. Badia and weeks later this happens… Read More Load More

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Marcelo Rios post tenex surgery winning match
Elbow Testimonials

Marcelo Rios competes after his tenex procedure

Marcelo Ríos underwent Tenex procedures on both of his elbows Procedures were within 12 days of each other Marcelo Rios record A few weeks after his tenex procedures Marcelo Rios went on to win a tennis tournament. As reported by TENNIS TOURTALK, Marcelo Rios has returned to the courts. The 42-year-old former World No. 1 from Chile beat Nicolás Lapentti from Ecuador 6-4, 5-7, 11-9 in an exhibition match on Friday held at Gran Arena Monticello. Rios reached the top of the ATP-Rankings 20 years ago and showed that he is still in good shape. “Without pain and without scars, and quick recovery.” John Doe The amazing part of the story is that Marcelo Rios had Bilateral Tenex Elbow Procedure by Dr Alejandro Badia at the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center (BHSC) in Miami weeks before the match. Tennis Elbow Surgery 1: Left Elbow: 10/31/2018 Tennis Elbow Surgery 2: Right Elbow: 11/13/2018 Tennis Exhibtion Match: 12/22/2018 What is ” Tennis Elbow” ? Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. Despite its name, this condition can affect people who don’t play tennis as well. It occurs when the tendons, which connect the muscles of your forearm to the bone at the lateral epicondyle (a bony bump on the outer part of the elbow), become inflamed or damaged. Solution for tennis elbow Related Videos: Tenex: Solution for Tennis Elbow Read More Marcelo Ríos busca solución para el codo de tenista Read More Marcelo Rios competes after his tenex procedure Read More Load More

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elbow tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex

Testimonial : Patient from Barbados 48 hrs after shoulder Arthroscopy and Tenex Pain free after 48 hours – Patient flew in from Barbados and had a two minimally invasive procedures. Shoulder arthroscopy and Tenex for tennis elbow.

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tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Canadian patient finds relief for elbow pain with tenex

Canadian Patient Finds Pain Relief for elbow pain with Tenex Procedure Click here to learn about TENEX Our patient suffered years with elbow pain and was placed on a waiting list to be treated in canada. He decided to travel to miami, FL for the minimally invasive tenex procedure that would cure his elbow pain. The trend of Canadian patients seeking orthopedic procedures in Miami, Florida, highlights the appeal of Miami’s healthcare system and the evolving landscape of global healthcare choices. Patients start with telemedicine, connecting virtually with orthopedic specialists in Miami, saving time and resources. The subsequent in-person consultation and procedure phase ensures personalized care after the initial virtual assessment. Miami’s private healthcare system offers patients the freedom to schedule surgeries conveniently, bypassing the waitlists typical of publicly funded systems in Canada. This flexibility empowers patients and accelerates their healing process. In contrast, Canada’s system sometimes entails prolonged wait times for elective surgeries, further enhancing Miami’s appeal. How does Tenex work? This safe and effective alternative to open surgery uses advanced ultrasonic technology and image guidance to enable precise cutting and removal of symptomatic soft and hard tissue, all performed percutaneously through a 3-5mm mini-incision. Tenex spares healthy soft tendon while cutting and removing necrotic tissue. Is this an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia? It is an outpatient procedures that takes minutes to perform, typically with local anesthesia and without stitches or additional treatments. Tenex Website Related videos:

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Golfers elbow Canada Dr. Badia
Elbow Testimonials

Canada: Golfers Elbow Testimonial

Canada Golfers Elbow Patient travels from Canada to Florida in search of a solution In Canada, our patient faced a frustrating reality: a lengthy waiting list for a procedure to address his debilitating golfers elbow. The prospect of waiting for years for relief was daunting, especially considering that the initial treatment plan involved a more invasive open procedure. In his quest for a faster and less invasive solution, our patient turned to the vast resources available online. It was during this search that he discovered the expertise of Dr. Badia, an orthopedic specialist renowned for his innovative approach to elbow conditions.   Golfers Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) Golfers elbow, known medically as medial epicondylitis, is an orthopedic condition that affects the inner side of the elbow. This condition is not exclusive to golfers but can impact anyone who engages in repetitive hand and wrist movements, such as gripping, flexing, or swinging motions. Key characteristics of golfers elbow include: Location of Pain: The primary symptom is pain and tenderness around the medial epicondyle, a bony prominence on the inner side of the elbow. This is where the forearm muscles attach to the bone. Pain Intensity: The pain may range from mild to severe and can extend down the forearm. It’s typically aggravated by activities that involve gripping, twisting, or flexing the wrist, such as swinging a golf club, hence the name. Who’s Affected: While it’s called “golfers elbow,” this condition doesn’t discriminate based on your sport or lack thereof. Tenex procedure for golfers elbow Tenex Testimonials

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¿Lesiones de golf? Recupérese rápidamente

¿Lesiones de golf? Recupérese rápidamente con la última tecnologia! Los golfistas presentan lesiones en el miembro superior que pueden ser de dos tipos: una le­sion aguda poco común que se origina por un swing incorrecto o una dolencia mucho mas frecuente ocasionada par la exacerbación de una afec­ción degenerativa subyacente. Esta ultima ocurre con frecuencia porque quienes practican golf, en muchas ocasiones, son personas mayores que presentan las patologías comunes de la población madura. Lo irónico es que estos problemas empiezan a manifestarse a una edad más temprana debido a que el swing de golf implica una exigencia del miembro superior del cuerpo. Sebastian Salem: el golfista de las  “cirugías de la suerte”  “La segunda operación no fue tan complicada pero ya tenia tres años sintiendo molestias. inicialmente, el doc­tor Badia me dijo que podia mejorar con terapia y, en efecto, mejoré, pero el problema se manifestó de nue­vo. En ese momento no lo dude y dije ¡a operarnos de una vez!”, señala Salem, quien sugiere a los deportistas que acudan a sus doctores en sus respectivos países de origen, pero si no encuentran una solución concreta pi­dan una cita con el doctor Badia. “Aquí tienen de todo: la clínica, el centro de cirugía y el centro de rehabilita­ción. El doctor siempre esta al pendiente de todos sus pacientes. iHasta ahora no sé cómo hace para tener tiempo, pero atiende muy bien a todos!”, manifiesta con una sonrisa. Los golfistas dependen de una armonía del movimien­to del hombro, el codo y la muñeca, libre de cualquier complicación que les permita disfrutar la pasión del deporte al máximo. Por ese motivo, un especialista ortopédico de la extremidad superior debe tratar sin demora las afecciones dolorosas para permitir que el atleta retome el deporte rápidamente y con el mejor nivel que sea posible. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Procedimiento tenex para “Codo de golfista” Dolores de hombro, codo y muñeca en golfistas Dr. Badia offers tips to protect the elbow Elbow Patient Articles Dr. Badia offers tips to protect the elbow Sports-related Injuries of the Elbow Elbow Scientific Publications Sports-related Injuries of the Elbow Proximal Radial Fracture : A Case Report Elbow Scientific Publications Proximal Radial Fracture : A Case Report Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Scientific Publications

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