
Tag: shoulder


El hombro adolorido

El Hombro Adolorido Junio, 2012 El comercio Ecuador Escribe el Dr. Alejandro Badia Un agudo y persistente dolor en el hombro puede afectar tanto a jóvenes como a mayores; sin embargo, las causas pueden ser muy variadas y requerir de un proceso de diagnóstico meticuloso para comprender el problema fundamental que conduzca a la solución. Jóvenes y activos pacientes, en nuestras prácticas, entienden que el dolor de hombro proviene del abuso de actividad. Este podría ser el motivo, pero es importante comprender su origen. Rutinas actuales de ejercicio usualmente enfatizan en fortalecer los músculos deltoides, pero el músculo rotatorio es igualmente ignorado. Esto conlleva al síndrome de inestabilidad que puede causar dolor y, por aún, una deficiencia mecánica de la articulación del hombro. Si el dolor es un problema crónico, sin historia de algún evento traumático, el paciente usualmente responderá a terapia de fortalecimiento. Dicha terapia requerirá gran diligencia de parte del paciente y del terapeuta. Medidas para tratar lesiones Una lesión aguda como una caída o un impacto sobre un brazo levantado puede llevar de uno de los tendones que podría requerir tratamiento. En caso de una lesión aguda ocurrida en un jugador profesional, se encuentran medidas como Resonancia Magnética, que frecuentemente indican la severidad de la lesión. La lesión tiende a ser difícil de tratar y se necesita una combinación de control antiinflamatorios, inyecciones de cortisona y terapias de reparación; si no tiene buena recuperación, una cirugía podría ser una solución. Los Rayos-X son útiles solo si se trata de una lesión crónica o de una fractura. Las inyecciones de cortisona ayudan en los casos de inflamación crónica. La Resonancia Magnética con frecuencia indica la severidad de la lesión del tejido blando y puede identificar una combinación de antiinflamatorios, inyecciones de cortisona y terapias de reparación; si no tiene buena recuperación, una cirugía podría ser una solución. En esta línea de medicina actual, podemos resolver muchas de estas lesiones con procedimientos de artroscopia articular. Este procedimiento permite visualizar la articulación por medio de una incisión de un centímetro. Los tejidos inflamados son reparados por procedimientos precisos que permiten la recuperación rápida del problema en el codo y la muñeca. En estos casos, la recuperación es rápida y el dolor es eliminado. Pacientes mayores con frecuencia atribuyen su dolor de hombro a “los años”. La artritis es la artrosis que conlleva una articulación desgastada. La artrosis es causada por inestabilidad de la misma articulación, lo que significa que la articulación está inestable y se desplaza. Esta condicion, la osteoartritis se ve mas comunmente en la rodilla, cadera, aun en la base del pulgar, pero es muy poco frecuente encontrarla en el hombro. La causa mas comun de dolor de hombro en personas mayores se conoce como el Sindrome de Impingement La bursitis es con frecuencia un elemento de este sindrome, bur­sitis, termino tan frecuentement usado, es mucho mas preciso describiendo este problema que el termino “artritis”. Con la edad, el flujo sanguineo hacia el musculo rotatorio disminuye y pequefios microdesgarres en el tendon conducen a la tendo­nitis o bursitis, la cual es una desgarradura aun mayor. EL SINDROME DE INPINGEMENT Esta condicion puede responder a un tratamiento conservador de inyecciones de cortisona para dismi­nuir la bursitis, o terapia para fortalecer el musculo rotatorio intacto. Un desgarre completo en el musculo rotatorio implica que el tendon desgarrado se ha separado del hueso, en este caso al paciente le seria fisicamente imposible levantar el brazo o experimentanria un dolor severo cuando lo intente. El Sindrome de Inpingement se caracteriza por sentir dolor cuando el brazo se eleva, dolor que se empeora en la noche, e inhabilita recostarse sobre el hombro afectado. Una vez que el dolor se vuelve cronico y que no reponde a terapia o a otros tratamientos conserva­dores, la cirugia es lo indicado. Algunos desgarres mas pequefios pueden ser reparados por medio de artroscopia, pero desgarres mayores usualmente se reparan por medio de una tradicional incision. La mayor parte de las intervenciones requieren un mes de inmovilizacion con un cabestrillo y varios meses de terapia post operatoria dirigida por el cirujano. EL ESPECIALISTA IDONEO El hombro es una articulacion demandante y re­quiere de paciencia tanto de parte del afectado como del cirujano a cargo. La recuperacion comunmente no es rapida, pero adherirse diligentemente al proto­colo de terapia, en la mayoria de los casos, conducen a la obtencion de buenos resultados y a un hombro funcional con minimo o ningun dolor. La clave para tratar un hombro adolorido es bus­car el especialista idoneo y someterse a un examen fisico de la parte afectada ordenado por el cirujano. La terapia con frecuencia juega un rol primordial en la recuperacion de esta articulacion en particular. Las tecnicas astroscopicas permiten una recupera­cion mas rapida y con minimo dolor si lo indicado es una cirugia Inauguración Hand to Shoulder Center El Dr. Alejandro Badia, cirujano de mano y extremidad superior inauguró su quinta clínica, el Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, en Doral, Florida. Las instalaciones cuentan con tecnologías de última generación localizadas en la planta baja de un nuevo edificio de oficinas médicas. Su proximidad a tres importantes aeropuertos y al centro de Doral, además de su cercanía al aeropuerto de Miami y hoteles de la localidad, facilitan la estadía y atención a pacientes extranjeros. Dicho establecimiento contará con consultas, procedimientos ambulatorios, cirugías, resonancias magnéticas, terapia ocupacional y física, y un gimnasio equipado con las más avanzadas tecnologías disponibles. Virtualmente todos los problemas relacionados con el hombro, codo, y mano podrán diagnosticarse y tratarse en un solo lugar. Los pacientes pueden ser consultados personalmente por Dr. Badia a través de teleconsulta por internet, permitiendo una relación más cercana paciente como el médico. Vea el articulo original abajo: El hombro adolorido Download Want to see more? Find live videos of procedures or real testimonials from our patients. BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Karen Meakins Sqaush player for barbados

Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference

Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Miami – Dr. Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS, and world-renowned Hand & Upper Limb Surgeon, President of the ISSPORTH (International Society for Sport Traumatology of the Hand), will visit Barbados the first week of December. Dr. Badia will offer a free Medical Conference for local medical professionals and another one for patients and professional athletes. Dr. Badia has recently performed a shoulder surgery on Karen Meakins, a famous Senior Squash player in Barbados only weeks ago. “Earlier this year I was experiencing a lot of pain in my shoulder. As a competitive squash player I continued playing but the pain got worse. An MRI showed a torn tendon. At first I was reluctant to have surgery but talking to Dr Badia put my mind at rest and I decided to go ahead with the surgery in October. The care I received at the Badia Hand and Shoulder Centre was fantastic. I met with Dr. Badia the day before the surgery and he explained everything in detail. The staff was all excellent, very helpful and the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center is an amazing facility. The surgery was successful and Dr. Badia repaired the torn tendon. My rehabilitation is going well and I expect to be back on the squash court ready to play in the World Masters next July. One thing I have to mention is the excellent after care I have received from Dr. Badia. Since I do not live in the US I email him with any queries or concerns that I have and he always emails me back on the same day. Quite remarkable knowing how busy he is!” – Karen Meakins. Karen Meakins Karen is currently Barbados Sports Personality of the year, the 2010 squash silver medalist at the World Masters Over 35 event and the silver medalist at the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games. Meakins is also the number 2 female player in the Caribbean and 11 (eleven) time Barbados National Champion.   “It is extremely satisfactory when a professional athlete come to see me. It is imperative for them to be appropriately treated, to heal and go back to their intense routine. It is my challenge and my passion to succeed, says Dr. Badia.” Badia has a long history of treating high level tennis and golf competitors, NFL and NBA athletes. Dr. Badia has just been nominated one of the top 45 great hand and upper extremity surgeons to know by Becker’s Orthopedic & Spine Review. Alejandro Badia is in conversations with leading Brazilian medical authorities to organize a sports medicine conference prior to the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. This free conference for patients and professional athletes will be held on Wednesday, December 7th 2011 at 6pm at the Barbados Olympic Association – Olympic Centre, Garfield Sobers Sports Complex, Wildey, St. Michael, BB15094 and the conference for doctors (general, OTs and PTs) will be held on Thursday, December 8th at 5pm at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Martindalis Road, Bridgetown at the Lecture Amphitheater Article Reference: Image Source: Related Articles: Blog Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference Barbados, Karen Meakins, shoulder, shoulder pain, shoulder testimonial, Squash, Squash player, World Masters Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear Barbados, english, labrum, shoulder, Shoulder Labrum repair, slap tear Elbow Testimonials Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex Barbados, english, shoulder, shoulder arthroscopy, shoulder pain, tenex, tennis elbow Patient Stories Cricket Player: Michael Agard Barbados, cricket, cricket player, english, michael agard, shoulder Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Patient Articles

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shoulder labrum repair
Shoulder Testimonials

Patient testimonials: Shoulder Labrum Tears

Patient Testimonials: Shoulder Labral Tear What does a labral repair look like? The shoulder labrum is a vital structure within your shoulder joint, playing a crucial role in its stability and mobility. It takes the form of cartilage that creates a ring-shaped framework encircling the shallow socket of the shoulder joint, referred to as the glenoid. This cartilaginous ring serves to deepen the socket and provide added support for the ball of the upper arm bone, known as the humerus, which fits snugly within. Visualize the shoulder labrum as a rim encircling the glenoid, much like the cuff along the edge of a sleeve. This anatomical arrangement greatly bolsters the shoulder joint’s stability, allowing for a diverse range of motions while ensuring a secure attachment of the humerus to the glenoid. Due to its location and role, the shoulder labrum is susceptible to various forms of injury, including tears. These tears may result from traumatic incidents, such as falls or direct impacts to the shoulder. Additionally, repetitive actions that strain the joint over time, such as overhead movements like throwing or lifting, can also lead to these tears.   Shoulder Testimonials

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patient testimonial
Shoulder Testimonials

Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear

Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear repair with 4 anchors Our patient is a Cricket player from Barbados who visit us after dislocating his shoulder. Preoperative Diagnoses: 1.Right shoulder superior labrum tear  2.Right latissimus dorsi muscle strain Postoperative Diagnoses: Type 2 SLAP lesion of right shoulder Moderate subacromial impingement with bursitis Right Latissimus dorsi muscle strain Procedures performed : 1. right shoulder arthroscopic synovectomy and debridement 2. right shoulder arthroscopic repair of SLAP lesion (4 Anchors) 3. Limited arthroscopic acromioplasty with subacromial bursectomy 4.Arthroscopic thermal shrinkage capsulorrhaphy and labrum stabilization 5. Orthobiologic injection Related Videos:

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Shoulder Testimonials

Bioinductive Implant for Rotator Cuff Repair

Regeneten Sports Meds – Bioinductive Implant for Rotator Cuff Repair REGENETEN Bioinductive Implant is changing the course of rotator cuff disease by stimulating the body’s natural healing response to support new tendon growth and disrupt disease progression. Learn more Image #1 Image #2

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shoulder surgery
Shoulder Testimonials

Jim Fraser Cayman Island – Rotator Cuff Tear

Jim Fraser Cayman Island – Shoulder Surgery Testimonial Jim Fraser from the Cayman Island, suffered from right shoulder impingement due to a football injury. He visited Dr. Badia, within the same day he had X-Rays, MRI, shoulder diagnosis and surgery scheduled for the next day. Badia Hand to Shoulder Center was the best stop for international patients seeking a one stop solution. Badia Hand to Shoulder Center offers post surgery rehabilitation services within the same facility.

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augmmented reality
Shoulder Testimonials

Do you have shoulder pain? This may help you

Dr. Badia employs advanced augmented reality (AR) and ultrasound technologies to provide effective relief for a patient struggling with shoulder pain. Ultrasound guided injection for a patient with Biceps tendonitis- “For those who are afraid of injections, it’s important to realize that doing it with the right imaging tools and experienced hands may be an easier experience than you think” – Dr. Badia

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elbow tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex

Testimonial : Patient from Barbados 48 hrs after shoulder Arthroscopy and Tenex Pain free after 48 hours – Patient flew in from Barbados and had a two minimally invasive procedures. Shoulder arthroscopy and Tenex for tennis elbow.

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michael agard
Patient Stories

Cricket Player: Michael Agard

Dr. Badia Treats Cricket Player From Barbados Michael Agard continues to be a top cricket player even after surgery hand surgery Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Patient testimony after a major SLAP tear repair with 4 anchors Patient testimony after a major SLAP tear repair with 4 anchors Shoulder Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure – Barbados Patient Testimonial Shoulder Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure – Barbados Patient Testimonial Cricket Player: Michael Agard Cricket Player: Michael Agard Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Artículos de Pacientes

Shoulder Pain

Deep persistent pain in the shoulder can affect young and old alike The causes, however, can be very different and require a thorough diagnostic process to understand the underlying problem and lead to a solution. Young active patients often feel that shoulder pain stems from overuse. This may be the case, but it is important to understand why. Current exercise regiments usually emphasize strengthening the deltoid muscles, but the rotator cuff is largely ignored. This leads to an instability syndrome that can cause pain and even worse, a mechanical deficiency of the shoulder joint. If the pain is a chronic problem, with no history of a single traumatic event, the patient will usually respond to strengthening therapy. This therapy will require diligence from the patient and the therapist. When an acute injury leads to persistent pain An acute injury, such as a fall or an impact on a raised arm, may lead to a discrete injury that could require repair. When an acute injury leads to persistent pain, we often order an MRI, which is a diagnostic tool that examines the soft tissue deep in the shoulder. An ordinary x-ray examines bony structures, and often displays as normal in people with painful shoulder symptoms. The MRI can often indicate the severity of the soft tissue injury and can dictate whether continued conservative treatment (anti-inflammatories, corticosteroid injections, and therapy) is required, or if surgical intervention is warranted. A torn cartilage rim or tendon rupture will usually not get better on its own; hence a mechanical solution may be necessary. In today’s modern age of medicine, we can solve many of these problems through arthroscopic surgery. This procedure allows the joint to be visualized with a small camera inserted through tiny holes in the skin outside the joint. This procedure minimizes scarring, improves the surgeon’s visualization of the problem, and speeds the recovery. In certain cases, an open incision may be required depending on the severity and location of the problem. Older patients often attribute their shoulder pain to “arthritis”. In fact, arthritis in the shoulder joint (particularly the ball and cup joint) is rather rare. Arthritis is the loss of cartilage in a joint that leads to bone grinding against bone. This osteoarthritis condition is more commonly seen in the knee, hip, or even the base of the thumb, but is much less common in the shoulder. Related

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Tag: shoulder


El hombro adolorido

El Hombro Adolorido Junio, 2012 El comercio Ecuador Escribe el Dr. Alejandro Badia Un agudo y persistente dolor en el hombro puede afectar tanto a jóvenes como a mayores; sin embargo, las causas pueden ser muy variadas y requerir de un proceso de diagnóstico meticuloso para comprender el problema fundamental que conduzca a la solución. Jóvenes y activos pacientes, en nuestras prácticas, entienden que el dolor de hombro proviene del abuso de actividad. Este podría ser el motivo, pero es importante comprender su origen. Rutinas actuales de ejercicio usualmente enfatizan en fortalecer los músculos deltoides, pero el músculo rotatorio es igualmente ignorado. Esto conlleva al síndrome de inestabilidad que puede causar dolor y, por aún, una deficiencia mecánica de la articulación del hombro. Si el dolor es un problema crónico, sin historia de algún evento traumático, el paciente usualmente responderá a terapia de fortalecimiento. Dicha terapia requerirá gran diligencia de parte del paciente y del terapeuta. Medidas para tratar lesiones Una lesión aguda como una caída o un impacto sobre un brazo levantado puede llevar de uno de los tendones que podría requerir tratamiento. En caso de una lesión aguda ocurrida en un jugador profesional, se encuentran medidas como Resonancia Magnética, que frecuentemente indican la severidad de la lesión. La lesión tiende a ser difícil de tratar y se necesita una combinación de control antiinflamatorios, inyecciones de cortisona y terapias de reparación; si no tiene buena recuperación, una cirugía podría ser una solución. Los Rayos-X son útiles solo si se trata de una lesión crónica o de una fractura. Las inyecciones de cortisona ayudan en los casos de inflamación crónica. La Resonancia Magnética con frecuencia indica la severidad de la lesión del tejido blando y puede identificar una combinación de antiinflamatorios, inyecciones de cortisona y terapias de reparación; si no tiene buena recuperación, una cirugía podría ser una solución. En esta línea de medicina actual, podemos resolver muchas de estas lesiones con procedimientos de artroscopia articular. Este procedimiento permite visualizar la articulación por medio de una incisión de un centímetro. Los tejidos inflamados son reparados por procedimientos precisos que permiten la recuperación rápida del problema en el codo y la muñeca. En estos casos, la recuperación es rápida y el dolor es eliminado. Pacientes mayores con frecuencia atribuyen su dolor de hombro a “los años”. La artritis es la artrosis que conlleva una articulación desgastada. La artrosis es causada por inestabilidad de la misma articulación, lo que significa que la articulación está inestable y se desplaza. Esta condicion, la osteoartritis se ve mas comunmente en la rodilla, cadera, aun en la base del pulgar, pero es muy poco frecuente encontrarla en el hombro. La causa mas comun de dolor de hombro en personas mayores se conoce como el Sindrome de Impingement La bursitis es con frecuencia un elemento de este sindrome, bur­sitis, termino tan frecuentement usado, es mucho mas preciso describiendo este problema que el termino “artritis”. Con la edad, el flujo sanguineo hacia el musculo rotatorio disminuye y pequefios microdesgarres en el tendon conducen a la tendo­nitis o bursitis, la cual es una desgarradura aun mayor. EL SINDROME DE INPINGEMENT Esta condicion puede responder a un tratamiento conservador de inyecciones de cortisona para dismi­nuir la bursitis, o terapia para fortalecer el musculo rotatorio intacto. Un desgarre completo en el musculo rotatorio implica que el tendon desgarrado se ha separado del hueso, en este caso al paciente le seria fisicamente imposible levantar el brazo o experimentanria un dolor severo cuando lo intente. El Sindrome de Inpingement se caracteriza por sentir dolor cuando el brazo se eleva, dolor que se empeora en la noche, e inhabilita recostarse sobre el hombro afectado. Una vez que el dolor se vuelve cronico y que no reponde a terapia o a otros tratamientos conserva­dores, la cirugia es lo indicado. Algunos desgarres mas pequefios pueden ser reparados por medio de artroscopia, pero desgarres mayores usualmente se reparan por medio de una tradicional incision. La mayor parte de las intervenciones requieren un mes de inmovilizacion con un cabestrillo y varios meses de terapia post operatoria dirigida por el cirujano. EL ESPECIALISTA IDONEO El hombro es una articulacion demandante y re­quiere de paciencia tanto de parte del afectado como del cirujano a cargo. La recuperacion comunmente no es rapida, pero adherirse diligentemente al proto­colo de terapia, en la mayoria de los casos, conducen a la obtencion de buenos resultados y a un hombro funcional con minimo o ningun dolor. La clave para tratar un hombro adolorido es bus­car el especialista idoneo y someterse a un examen fisico de la parte afectada ordenado por el cirujano. La terapia con frecuencia juega un rol primordial en la recuperacion de esta articulacion en particular. Las tecnicas astroscopicas permiten una recupera­cion mas rapida y con minimo dolor si lo indicado es una cirugia Inauguración Hand to Shoulder Center El Dr. Alejandro Badia, cirujano de mano y extremidad superior inauguró su quinta clínica, el Badia Hand to Shoulder Center, en Doral, Florida. Las instalaciones cuentan con tecnologías de última generación localizadas en la planta baja de un nuevo edificio de oficinas médicas. Su proximidad a tres importantes aeropuertos y al centro de Doral, además de su cercanía al aeropuerto de Miami y hoteles de la localidad, facilitan la estadía y atención a pacientes extranjeros. Dicho establecimiento contará con consultas, procedimientos ambulatorios, cirugías, resonancias magnéticas, terapia ocupacional y física, y un gimnasio equipado con las más avanzadas tecnologías disponibles. Virtualmente todos los problemas relacionados con el hombro, codo, y mano podrán diagnosticarse y tratarse en un solo lugar. Los pacientes pueden ser consultados personalmente por Dr. Badia a través de teleconsulta por internet, permitiendo una relación más cercana paciente como el médico. Vea el articulo original abajo: El hombro adolorido Download Want to see more? Find live videos of procedures or real testimonials from our patients. BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Karen Meakins Sqaush player for barbados

Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference

Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Miami – Dr. Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS, and world-renowned Hand & Upper Limb Surgeon, President of the ISSPORTH (International Society for Sport Traumatology of the Hand), will visit Barbados the first week of December. Dr. Badia will offer a free Medical Conference for local medical professionals and another one for patients and professional athletes. Dr. Badia has recently performed a shoulder surgery on Karen Meakins, a famous Senior Squash player in Barbados only weeks ago. “Earlier this year I was experiencing a lot of pain in my shoulder. As a competitive squash player I continued playing but the pain got worse. An MRI showed a torn tendon. At first I was reluctant to have surgery but talking to Dr Badia put my mind at rest and I decided to go ahead with the surgery in October. The care I received at the Badia Hand and Shoulder Centre was fantastic. I met with Dr. Badia the day before the surgery and he explained everything in detail. The staff was all excellent, very helpful and the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center is an amazing facility. The surgery was successful and Dr. Badia repaired the torn tendon. My rehabilitation is going well and I expect to be back on the squash court ready to play in the World Masters next July. One thing I have to mention is the excellent after care I have received from Dr. Badia. Since I do not live in the US I email him with any queries or concerns that I have and he always emails me back on the same day. Quite remarkable knowing how busy he is!” – Karen Meakins. Karen Meakins Karen is currently Barbados Sports Personality of the year, the 2010 squash silver medalist at the World Masters Over 35 event and the silver medalist at the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games. Meakins is also the number 2 female player in the Caribbean and 11 (eleven) time Barbados National Champion.   “It is extremely satisfactory when a professional athlete come to see me. It is imperative for them to be appropriately treated, to heal and go back to their intense routine. It is my challenge and my passion to succeed, says Dr. Badia.” Badia has a long history of treating high level tennis and golf competitors, NFL and NBA athletes. Dr. Badia has just been nominated one of the top 45 great hand and upper extremity surgeons to know by Becker’s Orthopedic & Spine Review. Alejandro Badia is in conversations with leading Brazilian medical authorities to organize a sports medicine conference prior to the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. This free conference for patients and professional athletes will be held on Wednesday, December 7th 2011 at 6pm at the Barbados Olympic Association – Olympic Centre, Garfield Sobers Sports Complex, Wildey, St. Michael, BB15094 and the conference for doctors (general, OTs and PTs) will be held on Thursday, December 8th at 5pm at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Martindalis Road, Bridgetown at the Lecture Amphitheater Article Reference: Image Source: Related Articles: Blog Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Renowned Surgeon From Miami To Visit Barbados To Conduct Medical Conference Barbados, Karen Meakins, shoulder, shoulder pain, shoulder testimonial, Squash, Squash player, World Masters Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear Barbados, english, labrum, shoulder, Shoulder Labrum repair, slap tear Elbow Testimonials Shoulder Testimonials Testimonials Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex Barbados, english, shoulder, shoulder arthroscopy, shoulder pain, tenex, tennis elbow Patient Stories Cricket Player: Michael Agard Barbados, cricket, cricket player, english, michael agard, shoulder Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Patient Articles

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shoulder labrum repair
Shoulder Testimonials

Patient testimonials: Shoulder Labrum Tears

Patient Testimonials: Shoulder Labral Tear What does a labral repair look like? The shoulder labrum is a vital structure within your shoulder joint, playing a crucial role in its stability and mobility. It takes the form of cartilage that creates a ring-shaped framework encircling the shallow socket of the shoulder joint, referred to as the glenoid. This cartilaginous ring serves to deepen the socket and provide added support for the ball of the upper arm bone, known as the humerus, which fits snugly within. Visualize the shoulder labrum as a rim encircling the glenoid, much like the cuff along the edge of a sleeve. This anatomical arrangement greatly bolsters the shoulder joint’s stability, allowing for a diverse range of motions while ensuring a secure attachment of the humerus to the glenoid. Due to its location and role, the shoulder labrum is susceptible to various forms of injury, including tears. These tears may result from traumatic incidents, such as falls or direct impacts to the shoulder. Additionally, repetitive actions that strain the joint over time, such as overhead movements like throwing or lifting, can also lead to these tears.   Shoulder Testimonials

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patient testimonial
Shoulder Testimonials

Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear

Patient testimony after a major SLAP (Labrum) tear repair with 4 anchors Our patient is a Cricket player from Barbados who visit us after dislocating his shoulder. Preoperative Diagnoses: 1.Right shoulder superior labrum tear  2.Right latissimus dorsi muscle strain Postoperative Diagnoses: Type 2 SLAP lesion of right shoulder Moderate subacromial impingement with bursitis Right Latissimus dorsi muscle strain Procedures performed : 1. right shoulder arthroscopic synovectomy and debridement 2. right shoulder arthroscopic repair of SLAP lesion (4 Anchors) 3. Limited arthroscopic acromioplasty with subacromial bursectomy 4.Arthroscopic thermal shrinkage capsulorrhaphy and labrum stabilization 5. Orthobiologic injection Related Videos:

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Shoulder Testimonials

Bioinductive Implant for Rotator Cuff Repair

Regeneten Sports Meds – Bioinductive Implant for Rotator Cuff Repair REGENETEN Bioinductive Implant is changing the course of rotator cuff disease by stimulating the body’s natural healing response to support new tendon growth and disrupt disease progression. Learn more Image #1 Image #2

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shoulder surgery
Shoulder Testimonials

Jim Fraser Cayman Island – Rotator Cuff Tear

Jim Fraser Cayman Island – Shoulder Surgery Testimonial Jim Fraser from the Cayman Island, suffered from right shoulder impingement due to a football injury. He visited Dr. Badia, within the same day he had X-Rays, MRI, shoulder diagnosis and surgery scheduled for the next day. Badia Hand to Shoulder Center was the best stop for international patients seeking a one stop solution. Badia Hand to Shoulder Center offers post surgery rehabilitation services within the same facility.

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augmmented reality
Shoulder Testimonials

Do you have shoulder pain? This may help you

Dr. Badia employs advanced augmented reality (AR) and ultrasound technologies to provide effective relief for a patient struggling with shoulder pain. Ultrasound guided injection for a patient with Biceps tendonitis- “For those who are afraid of injections, it’s important to realize that doing it with the right imaging tools and experienced hands may be an easier experience than you think” – Dr. Badia

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elbow tenex procedure
Elbow Testimonials

Testimonial: Shoulder Arthroscopy & tenex

Testimonial : Patient from Barbados 48 hrs after shoulder Arthroscopy and Tenex Pain free after 48 hours – Patient flew in from Barbados and had a two minimally invasive procedures. Shoulder arthroscopy and Tenex for tennis elbow.

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michael agard
Patient Stories

Cricket Player: Michael Agard

Dr. Badia Treats Cricket Player From Barbados Michael Agard continues to be a top cricket player even after surgery hand surgery Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Patient testimony after a major SLAP tear repair with 4 anchors Patient testimony after a major SLAP tear repair with 4 anchors Shoulder Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure – Barbados Patient Testimonial Shoulder Minimally Invasive Tenex Procedure – Barbados Patient Testimonial Cricket Player: Michael Agard Cricket Player: Michael Agard Want to see more articles? BHS Blog Patient Articles

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Artículos de Pacientes

Shoulder Pain

Deep persistent pain in the shoulder can affect young and old alike The causes, however, can be very different and require a thorough diagnostic process to understand the underlying problem and lead to a solution. Young active patients often feel that shoulder pain stems from overuse. This may be the case, but it is important to understand why. Current exercise regiments usually emphasize strengthening the deltoid muscles, but the rotator cuff is largely ignored. This leads to an instability syndrome that can cause pain and even worse, a mechanical deficiency of the shoulder joint. If the pain is a chronic problem, with no history of a single traumatic event, the patient will usually respond to strengthening therapy. This therapy will require diligence from the patient and the therapist. When an acute injury leads to persistent pain An acute injury, such as a fall or an impact on a raised arm, may lead to a discrete injury that could require repair. When an acute injury leads to persistent pain, we often order an MRI, which is a diagnostic tool that examines the soft tissue deep in the shoulder. An ordinary x-ray examines bony structures, and often displays as normal in people with painful shoulder symptoms. The MRI can often indicate the severity of the soft tissue injury and can dictate whether continued conservative treatment (anti-inflammatories, corticosteroid injections, and therapy) is required, or if surgical intervention is warranted. A torn cartilage rim or tendon rupture will usually not get better on its own; hence a mechanical solution may be necessary. In today’s modern age of medicine, we can solve many of these problems through arthroscopic surgery. This procedure allows the joint to be visualized with a small camera inserted through tiny holes in the skin outside the joint. This procedure minimizes scarring, improves the surgeon’s visualization of the problem, and speeds the recovery. In certain cases, an open incision may be required depending on the severity and location of the problem. Older patients often attribute their shoulder pain to “arthritis”. In fact, arthritis in the shoulder joint (particularly the ball and cup joint) is rather rare. Arthritis is the loss of cartilage in a joint that leads to bone grinding against bone. This osteoarthritis condition is more commonly seen in the knee, hip, or even the base of the thumb, but is much less common in the shoulder. Related

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